
Frequently Asked Questions

The road is from Kathmandu to Pokhara is 210 km.
It takes 7 hours to get from Kathmandu to Pokhara by the drive.
There are 3 ways to get from Kathmandu to Pokhara. They are by plane, bus or private vehicles like car, van, jeep.
The flight from Pokhara to Kathmandu takes around 25 minutes.
Tourist bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara departs at 7:00 AM in the morning. The reporting time (arrival time at Bus station) at 6:30 AM.
Tourist Bus departs from Sorha Khutte, Kathmandu for Kathmandu. Sorha Khutte is in walking distance from Thamel.
In terms of services, three types of tourist buses available for Kathmandu Pokhara route. They are Super deluxe (Luxury bus with A/c, lunch on the way, washroom and toilet in the bus), Deluxe (Bus with A/c), Standard (Bus with Fan).
It is safe to travel by Tourist bus in Nepal because it moves their own standard speed without high speed.
It is safe to travel by Tourist bus in Nepal because it moves their own standard speed without high speed.
Yes, there are local bus services in the route of Kathmandu to Pokhara. Local buses to Pokhara departs every morning, afternoon and eventing from New Bus Park station or Kalanki Bus Stop in Kathmandu.
All Tourist Buses except Greenline Bus stops in Tourist Bus Station in Pokhara (around 10 to 15 minutes walking distance from Lakeside. Greenline Bus stops at Lakeside nearby Fishtail Lodge.
As compared to the local bus, the fare of Tourist Bus is a little bit expensive. But Tourist Buses are more comfortable. They have relaxed seats, fixed time of departure, passengers are not allowed to get off anywhere on the way, have facilities of wife, air-condition and faster. But, local buses stop at several places on the way to pick up passengers or let them off. The seats in the local bus are very small and very less space for legs. They take longer to reach the destination.
We offer Car, Jeep (2WD/4WD), Van (Mini / Big), Bus (Mini/Big) for going from Kathmandu to Pokhara and to Chitwan, Lumbini, Janakpul and other places of Nepal.
Yes, we also provide service for car rental, tour guide hiring for sightseeing in Pokhara.
Yes, the driving distance between Pokhara to Kathmandu is 213 km. It takes approximately 3 h 28 min to drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Simrik Airlines, Yeti Airlines and Buddha Air Ltd offer flights from Pokhara Airport to Kathmandu Airport.